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gangnam style II :D !!
Wednesday 5 September 2012

hey guys we meet again :)

ok...lately, ada rumors mengatakan bhw mksd sbnr 'OPPA GANGNAM STYLE' merupakan 'aku ingan menjadi Yahudi' ??? is that true ?? then aq siasat la lgi psl rumors tu..n bnyak juga la yg mengatakan bhwa rumors tu btol..then, aq singgah la profile facebook Ustaz Azhar Idrus...sape xkenal dgn beliau kan..klau ada yg xkenal, baik 'tido' je..hhaha..ok,ada sesuatu yg menarik perhatian aq...ada a member sorg ne tnya ustaz tu ttg rumors gangnam style..then ustaz tu menjelaskan dgn sgt teliti..menarik jugak penjelasan beliau..

maybe bnyk org dah tau yg Gangnam tu sbnarnya nma tpt di Seoul..tpt kejiranan yg mewah la..apa yg d terangkan UAI adalah, lagu itu menceritakan ttg pergaulan bebas antara lelaki dan perempuan..tambhan lagi, lgu itu mnerangkan ttg style pemakaian prempuan yg terdedah..as a Muslim, that style r not suitable for us..
maybe sbb itulah rumors terciptakan :)

anyway, i made a lot of research about that song..i go to utube then i found a lot of people made a vdeo reaction about that song..so aq tgok la satu persatu..well, terpaksa la..biasala nak jd CSI skjp :P

slps aq tgok bbrpa vdeo2 tsebut, reaksi diorang sama je..wait..r u expect me to watch all the vdoe..theres 50 vdeo or more..i can be crazy :D i just watch a few of them..moreover, xperlu sgt pun tgok smua sbb sama je reaksi diorang kan :D hehehhe...

ok..mnurut mereka, the MV was hillirious, great dancer and the rythem was fantastic..dr mula lagu lg klau kita dgr automatic kita akan terikut dgn rentak lagu tu kan..and the dancing r TREND for all ages !! COWBOY MOVE !!! hhhahaha....is that great :D lagu tu tlh msok dlm CNN and the australian think that song r great eventhough they didn't understand the lyric..so do we right ??

lagu itu menarik perhatian all over the world d sbbkan rentak lagu yg rancak n the dancing..sperti yg djelaskn UAI, penerangan lgu itu btentanggan dgn cra hidup kta terutama yg Muslim..that song was attractive but we dont have to followed their style right...

as a Music lover, i love that song because that song was hillirious, the dancing and the rythem...THATS ALL !! no need to followed their life style..SIMPLE right ??? so, dont be afraid to hear it :) klau ada org tgur dsbabkn kta dgr lgu tu, jgn takut..ckp je kta skdr mendengar lgu..bkan mengikut cara hidup mreka..everything will be fine as long we didn't followed their life style so smileeee :D

so ini saja la review utk lgu GANGNAM STYLE :D



see ya !!! heeeeeeeeee....

05:05 | back to top


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