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how are you ????
Tuesday 26 March 2013


      Bahhhhhh...lmk dh x update blog tk eyhhh....hmmmm...nothing new so lmk xbukak blog tersayang tk..hehhe....anyway..now i change my Lifestyle..hehe...

20:19 | back to top

everything seems difficult :/
Thursday 7 February 2013

assalamualaikum ~

  hye guys..waaaaa....lma dah xupdate blog nee..what a busy days (_ _') anyway...bnyk nak luahkan ne...from my personal life until my carrier ... before this u guys tau kan yg aq keja d kedai phone...well...now aq dah bhenti keja kat sna...xthn la dgn toke besar tuuu...smua yg aq buat xpernah nah jadi...haishh..so aq buat kputusan utk bhenti...well...good for both parties :) then..i tried to look another job...slps bbrpa hari mncari tnpa bhenti akhirnya ada jgak keja kosong....so aq keja dkt kday waffle....APPLE HOUSE.....aq start keja kat sna 3.1.2013..new year, new job :)

   mula2 keja tu ok lah..not so bad...boss pun ok gak....dpt jgak bljr buat waffle..kaya ball...its worth to work at there :D mkin lma keja kat sana mkin susah....first..customer xbnyk yg dtg...xtau la...our salary depends on cstmer...bnyk yg dtg beli bnyk jga la yg kami dpt nnti...hmmm....so boss pun cri idea...xtau la apa yg boss fikirkan, she asked me to go lingga smata2 utk jual waffle =.=' well..aq fkirkan la idea tu...after 3 days she asked about it again...im sorry i can't :) then she said it's okay..so fine...then ada lagi idea dia...dia nak kami jual waffle di temudok...mula lah mbuat prncangan...nak bwak apa nnti...mesin mna yg kna bwak...

  keesokkan harinya !! tanpa angin..tanpa ribut..tanpa hujan..tiba2 boss sroh aq bhenti keja =.= whts the prblm with my job !!! aq rsa aq xbuat slh apa2 pun..smuanya baik jeeee....n slama aq bkeja pun boss xpernah nak complain tba2 sroh aq bhenti...hmmmm...well...aq trima je la...apa nak buat..dah nasib  badan...hmmm...so smua yg kami plan xmnjadi..hnya tinggal abu jeeee....lpas tu aq balik tanam anggur smula =.=

  about my personal life...hmmm...si dia n aq...xtau nak ckp apa..mkin lma mkin...hmmm..speechless...hnya aq je yg fkirkn dia...nak kta aq syok sendiri pun tak sbb dia yg mulakan dlu....so let him be...aq bersabar...aq cba faham keadaan dia...pendek kata aq bnyk bersabar la...he makes me hate him but i don't..wht a weird feelings = =' wht should i do ????? help me :"(

00:26 | back to top

love fool ♥
Sunday 25 November 2012

salam guys♥
      we meet again..hehee...sory la lma xupdate blog...bz dgn kerja :/ anywy im here not to talk about my job but my personal life...L.O.V.E ♡ .. evryone want to be loved include me... theres a guy that i know for a years.. knal sejak kecil tp kenal mcm tu je xpernah nak tegur..knal pun sbb our mom work at sme place..sorang tengok sorang tp xbrani nak tegur...malu >.<   3minggu lepas pjbat mak ada buat family day d Lundu..im so super excited about the family day thing...sampai je d lundu, he was there...spt biasa la sorang tengok sorang tp xbrani nak tegur...spnjg 3hari d lundu ktorg senyum je tp xtegur langsung...slps balik dr lundu smpat jugk check dlm fb klau2 ada add si dia n i was right..we've been friend in fb for a long time...hahaha...so dgn hati yg brani aq inbox dia ■.■...keesokkan harinya ada balsa dr dia...hehehehe....after that we texting each other n we hang out...rpa2 nya dia suka kat aq tp xbrani nak tgur...alahai malu punya pasal la ni...tba2 dia tnya soalan emas kat aq...he ask about my feeling..so aq trus trang la...and he did the same thing...after the honest converstion between us it turns out that we like each other ♥.♥ ... the bad thing is he already hve gf ㅠ.ㅠ kami pun rsa menyesal xknl lbih awl...huuuu... he wrote a song about me =D spe xsuka kan...hehehe... and now we decide to be ttm eventhought we like each other...well..apa bleh buat kan :) so ini sja yg aq nak luahkn...maybe theres a chance for us :) who know right ??? hehehehe..

adios guys !! see u at next entry..

19:31 | back to top


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